First Wushu Smart Lab Online Seminar

First Wushu Smart Lab Online Seminar

We invite you to the first Wushu Smart Lab online seminar on Saturday June 5, 2021 at 9am (Paris time) . The theme of the seminar is: how to organize a Wushu seminar for beginners. We will take as an example the organization of a summer camp in Wushu. This training...
First Wushu Smart Lab Seminar in Europe

First Wushu Smart Lab Seminar in Europe

Our first seminar in Europe We are happy to organize the first seminar in Europe for Wushu coaches from July 2 to 4, 2021 in France. and you are welcome to discover our work and enter the universe of Wushu Smart Lab. This first seminar aims to help you attract more...

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