The Wushu Smart Lab concept


Wushu Smart Lab is an international organization that was created by Wushu enthusiasts with the main goal of developing the discipline of Wushu which deserves a greater recognition and development worldwide.


Here are the missions of Wushu Smart Lab:


• Developping the teaching of Wushu by offering an innovative, modern educational progression that reconnects with the origins of Wushu.
• Creating a assessment system that encourages students, coaches, spectators and contributes to the development of Wushu in general.
• Offering trainings for coaches based on up-to-date scientific knowledge. Our trainings provide innovative theoretical and practical knowledge that will give a solid foundation to practice as a Wushu coach.

• Publishing books, articles, magazines, podcasts, and videos about sports science applied to Wushu.
• Organizing internships, conferences, and meetings about the teaching of Wushu.
• Designing safe, accessible, and Wushu-friendly training, assessment, and competition equipment.

Wushu Smart Lab delivers competitive and recreational programs and services to our members. We have are supported by several important partners in China and by international academic institutions.

While supporting our members, we:

  • Train and certify high-quality coaches;
  • Ensure that wushu remains a modern, accessible sport without it losing its original form;
  • Provide safe opportunities for our students and coaches;
  • Help athletes succeed in wushu and in life;
  • Publish scientific resources about the teaching of Wushu;
  • Provide suitable equipment for the practice of Wushu.

If you would like to learn more about our team and partners, please check our Team page and Our Partners page.

Wushu Smart Lab is primarily funded through member fees..

Member fees are received by full member Wushu clubs as part of their annual registration. Other fees are collected for participation in WSL events.

Additional funding comes from:

  • sponsorship,
  • donations

Primary activities:

  1. Participation Development
  2. Athlete / Leadership Development
  3. Membership Development
  4. Services and Resources

Founded: June 2019

More Information

Please email for further information.

Our Vision

An international leader in the delivery of quality basic and high performance programs and services that promote the development of Wushu.

Our Mission

Positive and diverse Wushu experiences for international participation at all levels.

Our Values

  • Excellence. We conduct our business to the highest possible standards.
  • Ethical. We guarantee a safe environment for all participants of Wushu, encourage fair-play and the respect of rules.
  • Professional. We establish and pursue educational opportunities that will allow our Wushu community to grow and prosper.
  • People. We recognize, support, and celebrate the contributions and successes of our athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, club members, and Staff.

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